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来源:高校网 | 发布时间:2020-05-22 01:33:20 |  访问:10457

faculty positions at antai college of economics and management, sjtu

the antai college of economics and management, shanghai jiao tong university (sjtu), invites applications for a wide range of faculty positions in the following eight areas: accounting; economics; finance; data and business intelligence; information, technology and innovation; management of organizations; management science; and marketing. preference is given to candidates who have already established a track record of outstanding research and teaching capabilities. compensation package is competitive and commensurate with qualifications. according to many rankings, antai is clearly a top business school in china, e.g., financial times has ranked antai as the no. 1 business school in asia pacific in both 2017 and 2018. the school is located in the xuhui district in the city of shanghai, and the district is rich in history and famous for its tree-lined and quiet streets. further information about the school can be found on the school’s website.

the applicant should have a ph.d. in a relevant area. a complete application package should include the following: a cover letter, a comprehensive cv, three recommendation letters (sent directly from the letter writers), samples of published or working papers, and a teaching/research statement.

contact information:

human resources office

antaicollegeof economics and management

shanghaijiao tong university

1954 huashan road, shanghai200030

email: recruiting@acem.sjtu.edu.cn


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